我们生活在一个网络世界,而云是这一切的中心. 对于那些没有接受过这项技术教育的人来说,它的庞大规模将难以理解. As consumers, we use the Cloud every day, each time we Skype, 在Dropbox上传输文档或在谷歌Docs上保存文档. And for most businesses, 这是迄今为止存储数据和管理it服务最经济有效的方式. 以下是我们可以用云做的一些事情:
- Store, back up, and recover data
- Stream audio and video
- Create new apps and services
- Deliver software on demand
- Analyze data for patterns
- Host websites and blogs
是的,云很大,而且越来越大. 你能想象需要多少人来设计和维护这样庞大的系统吗?
有了云,地理上的界限和障碍就消失了. 这就是在线教育的运作方式. 无论你在哪里或什么时候,教室或实验室总是开放的. And if you are enrolled at 十大正规平台 University, 您可以享受我们50多年来在校学生所接受的高质量在线教育.
这里是最好的部分:在十大正规网堵平台在线,你不需要花四年的时间来获得学位. Through our year-round, accelerated schedule, 你可以在2年内获得计算机和信息科学的在线学士学位,主修网络和信息安全技术,并在云计算方面进行跟踪.5 years.
Upon completion, 拥有计算机与信息系统理学学士学位,主修网络与信息安全技术并主修云计算的毕业生可以在广泛的行业和企业中寻求职业机会,例如:
- Network and Datacenter Administrator
- Network Infrastructure Support
- Storage Technology Manager
- Virtual Server Administrator
- Information Technology Solution Providers
- Network Implementation Team
- Network Support and Help Desks
- Information Security Engineer
Students in the Online B.S. in Computer & 信息科学十大正规平台发展规划, design, implementation, and support skills in operating systems, networking, software programs, and security. 学生根据所选的专业发展额外的重点技能. 学生还将学习优秀客户服务的原则,以便帮助客户解决技术问题.
成功完成计算机与信息科学学士学位,主修网络与信息安全技术, graduates are able to:
Computer and Information Science Outcomes:
- Design, implement, 并评估基于计算机的解决方案,这些解决方案通过对特定组织或计算问题的分析确定了适当的计算需求
- 有效地在团队中建立目标, plan tasks, meet deadlines, manage risk, and produce deliverables
- 在技术和非技术环境中运用书面,口头和图形沟通
- 评估和使用适当的技术文献
- 通过用户群体进行持续的专业发展, associations, conferences, readings, research, and other channels
- 在信息和系统的维护和安全方面发展和应用道德和法律的最佳实践
- 规划、设计、配置和管理网络和安全基础设施
- 维护、监控和排除网络和安全基础设施的故障
- 评估和实现技术和非技术安全控制,以保护组织免受威胁和漏洞的侵害
Course ID | Course Name | Credits |
BUS121 | BUS121 Introduction to Business | 3.00 |
CIS123 | CIS123 Introduction to Python Scripting | 3.00 |
CIS126 | CIS126 Introduction to Programming | 3.00 |
CIS142 | CIS142 Introduction to Cloud Solutions | 3.00 |
CIS150 | CIS150 Introduction to Networking | 3.00 |
CIS206 | CIS206 Linux Administration | 3.00 |
CIS212 | CIS212 Principles of Cybersecurity | 3.00 |
CIS223 | CIS223 Introduction to Databases | 3.00 |
PMT472 | PMT472 Applied Project Management | 3.00 |
PMT472L | PMT472L Applied Project Management LAB | 1.00 |
Credit Hour(s) total | 28.00 | |
Course ID | Course Name | Credits |
CAP480 | CAP480 Arts and Sciences Capstone | 3.00 |
COM115 | COM115 Principles of Communication | 3.00 |
ENG110 | ENG110 College Composition | 3.00 |
ENG120 | ENG120 Advanced Composition | 3.00 |
HUM205 | 文化与多样性:人文探索 | 3.00 |
MTH131 | MTH131 College Algebra | 3.00 |
MTH140 | MTH140 Statistics | 3.00 |
PSY105 | PSY105 Introduction to Psychology | 3.00 |
PSY220 | PSY220 Positive Psychology | 3.00 |
PHY120 | PHY120 Physics | 3.00 |
PHY120L | PHY120L Physics LAB | 1.00 |
BIO122 | BIO122 Environmental Biology | 3.00 |
BIO122L | BIO122L Environmental Biology LAB | 1.00 |
Course ID | Course Name | Credits |
CIS101 | CIS101 Computer Configuration I | 3.00 |
CIS202 | CIS202路由与交换简介 | 3.00 |
CIS202L | CIS202L路由与交换导论LAB | 1.00 |
CIS204 | CIS204 Intermediate Routing and Switching | 3.00 |
CIS207L | CIS207L Routing and Switching LAB | 1.00 |
CIS225 | CIS225 Network Protocols and Services | 3.00 |
CIS245 | CIS245 Windows Client and Server | 3.00 |
CIS245L | CIS245L Windows Client and Server LAB | 1.00 |
CIS251 | CIS251 Advanced Windows Server | 3.00 |
CIS256 | CIS256 Windows Active Directory | 3.00 |
CIS256L | CIS256L Windows Active Directory LAB | 1.00 |
CIS321 | CIS321 Network Scripting | 3.00 |
CIS403 | CIS403 Ethical Hacking | 3.00 |
CIS425 | CIS425先进防御与对策 | 3.00 |
CIS495 | CIS495 Cyber and Network Security Capstone | 3.00 |
CIS490 | CIS490 Bachelor’s Externship-CIS | 3.00 |
Course ID | Course Name | Credits |
CIS242 | CIS242 AWS Academy Cloud Foundations | 3.00 |
CIS253 | CIS253 Network Virtualization Fundamentals | 3.00 |
CIS253L | CIS253L网络虚拟化基础实验室 | 1.00 |
CIS305 | CIS305 Advanced Linux Administration | 3.00 |
CIS305L | CIS305L Advanced Linux Administration LAB | 1.00 |
CIS335 | CIS335 AI/Machine Learning/Edge Computing | 3.00 |
CIS335L | CIS335L AI/机器学习/边缘计算实验室 | 1.00 |
Credit Hour(s) total | 15.00 | |
*关于允许的文科和理科课程的替代,见文科 & Sciences Department section in the 十大正规平台 University Course Catalog.